Relax Into My Power Yoga Nidra
We so often burn ourselves out or wear ourselves thin in trying to do everything through our human physical and/or mental strength. Our real source of strength is the limitless soul energy we each carry within us. When we create and do from this strength it relieves so much pressure from our minds, bodies & emotions. This yoga nidra meditation is your chance to deeply relax all parts of yourself to make space for your soul strength to shine through. Yoga nidra is one of my very favorite practices because it helps me get out of my own way. Here are some things that will give you the most blissful meditation experience:
Yoga mat, comfy couch or bed
Eye pillow
Lavender or other relaxing essential oil
Citrine, sunstone or tiger's eye
Light blanket
If you would like some one-on-one guidance on living your best life let's schedule your Life Path Session.